CHILDLINE is a platform bringing together the Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India, Department of Telecommunications, Street and Community Youth, Non-Profit Organizations, Academic Institutions, Corporate Sector and Concerned Individuals.
CHILDLINE India Foundation independently chooses a Non-Governmental Organization Zila Yuva Vikas Sanghthan (ZYVS) on 6th February, 2011 to run CHILDLINE in Ambala to help children in need of Care and Protection. Our special focus is on all children in need of care and protection, especially the most vulnerable sections of India. CHILDLINE, Ambala had handled cases of 2883 children till February, 2020 in which there are many categories of cases such as Child Lost, Protection from Abuse (Child Marriage, Child Labour, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Stalking, etc.), Sponsorship (Medical, Education) and many other categories. Objectives of CHILDLINE are to reach out to every child in need in care and protection by responding to emergencies on 1098; awareness about CHILDLINE 1098 amongst every Indian child; to provide a platform of networking amongst organizations and to provide linkages to support or allied systems. CHILDLINE is there to secure the childhood of the child along with the future of the child.